Sunday, May 3, 2009

It's not a big deal, right?

Ok so when is it a big deal? "It" being school papers, and "big deal" meaning you better have all of your t's dashed and i's dotted.

Inevitably, when I come to the last bits of a paper I commence on a downward spiral of doubt. My argument is porous. This isn't even significant. I'm the only one who cares . . . wait, do I even care?

I'm a neo-perfectionist. I don't fall into a psychotic state for the purpose of ensuring perfection. Instead, I just set perfectionist goals for myself, and then act like a normal person. Upside? I don't turn in to a neurotic person who totally loses grip on the big picture. Downside? I am not sure I will ever turn in a paper and think is top notch. Or in the words of our dear friend Melissa De Witte: "Fuck you question, I answered you!"


So what good is my brain? I'd like to think its entertaining, at least. :)


  1. Haha - I don't think anyone ever turns in a paper they think is completely top notch. I certainly never did.

  2. When did Melissa say that? That's awesome!

  3. Last Thursday before Sinnreich's class. I thought it expressed grad school student's anguish perfectly.
