Sunday, May 3, 2009

That time of the semester

I just finished a very close final draft of one final paper. One of three due within the next week and a half. The two others I have not yet started. At all. The plan tomorrow is to go through the finished one with a fine-toothed comb...but not too fine (or all my arguments, channeling Al here, will seem like they fall apart - like, do you ever get that one little thread strand in your shirt, and you keep tugging at it, and tugging at it, and it gets longer and longer, and soon you realize that half your shirt is frayed? If only you left that little thread alone, you'd still have your shirt...Ok, that's actually never happened to shirts with me - it's always the elasticky thing in my underwear. You know what, I tried to keep this somewhat G-rated...give me a break, ok, it's late and I'm very sleep-deprived)

In any case. My brain hurts. At this point, it's no good at all.


  1. I find tugging the thread always pulls out the hem...but never undoes the whole garment. So you just end up looking like a ragamuffin - but still, a clothed ragamuffin
