Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Brain is Good for Stories

Cynthia and I have been having a Twilight debate lately. I've been flying through the series the past three days and while Meyer's (author) writing is extreeeemely amateur, I simply can't NOT enjoy the story.

Cynthia asks--"WHAT STORY?!?!" And this is where my brain comes in.

You could hand me three pages about two toothpicks in a pickle and my brain would find something to run with.

Ever since I can remember, story has been of great importance in my life. On long road trips my dad would spend hours and hours retelling the Lord of the Rings stories, or Lois L'aMour stories (predictable westerns), or other stories.

I love stories, even when what is presented isn't "good" my brain makes it good. It's a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it bolsters my optimistic outlook, a curse because it means I get sucked into—dare I say it—Nicholas Sparks. (But why is that a curse? mass culture debates, social hierarchy of tastes and arts, bla bla bla . . . this isn't the post for that)

Again I must clarify: An author may be an awful writer, but in his/her book, if there is just a seed of a story, my brain will find it and grow it into a full-fledged narrativian extravaganza.

So this is why I like the Twilight series. Meyer: not a good writer. Her story? eh, it's no Harry Potter, LOTR, or Ender's Game, but there are the seedlings of a good story in there—albeit Bella is the most cynical girl ever and she should just be grateful she's got werewolves and vampires protecting her, I digress. My mind has latched on to those little seedlings of story in there and is running with it. JUST TRY AND STOP ME. You can't.

And that is what good my brain is.


  1. Maybe you're just a romantic, and the two toothpicks are madly in love, yet are rooted so firmly in the pickle that they can't make sticky love to each other.

  2. What do you mean What Story??? Girl falls in love with vampire. It's the oldest "story" in the book - girl meets boy. girl and boy can't be together because of some obstacle. They find a way to be together anyway. And there's werewolves and vampires. Those books are teaming with story. And while I agree Meyer's prose isn't necessarily a revelation, she managed to spin words together that got millions to sit up and pay attention. Stop hating on Twilight!!!
